Catch Up on Our Recent Update: CompTIA Trainer Roles & Enrollment Opportunities Available!
Stay Connected: Our Recent Call for a CompTIA Certified Trainer and Enrollment Opportunities! On October 15th, we shared exciting updates across our…
One stop resource center for youth development, business support, coaching & mentorship and training programs which include contact classes, virtual classes and online learning.
AnswerTheCall (PTY) LTD
AnswertheCall, established in 2012, is a Level 1 majority black women owned company that provides skills and enterprise development services to private and public sector organizations throughout the country.
AnswertheCall is accredited as a training provider by several Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), including MICTSETA, AgriSETA, and MerSETA, to provide skills development programmes in specific sectors of our economy.
Our company has since rolled out several programmes to benefit unemployed Youth and SMMEs, with a particular focus on Women and People living with a Disability.
AnswertheCall has developed an interactive portal that allows job-seekers and those seeking skills and capacity building to access available opportunities from anywhere in the country. Our programmes are offered on a blended learning basis.
We also offer ICT learnership programme which will be rolled out in Gauteng, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu Natal and the Western Cape.
We provide sector accredited educational programs offered in-class, virtually and online on a blended learning basis.
our contribution towards reducing youth unemployment and poverty in South Africa
Team Cohesion
Virtual Intelligence
Graphical Analysis
Providing solutions for the global IT and services industry
Creation of sustainable partnerships between Corporate South Africa and black entrepreneurs to enable access and transformation of the value chains.
More than just accounting, tax, labor and SHEQ compliance. We provide access to business resources, funding and post lending support to SMMEs.
We assist SMMEs to access funding in various ways. AnswerTheCall has partnered with big commercial banks and financial institutions in the country.
Our company has rolled out several programs to benefit unemployed Youth and SMMEs, with a particular focus on Women and People living with a Disability.
Access to online business related information and research useful for small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Access to online business related information and research useful for small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Skills Development
Youth Placement
Funding Soultions
Coaching & Mentorship
AnswerTheCall latest news and insights as it happens.
Stay Connected: Our Recent Call for a CompTIA Certified Trainer and Enrollment Opportunities! On October 15th, we shared exciting updates across our…
At AnswertheCall we pride ourselves in youth empowerment and skills development. We have recently given an opportunity to another 25 learners from…
Answerthecall has undertaken the opportunity to train another Group of 15 learners from the KZN region. We are proud to introduce the…
AnswerhheCall provides solutions in sectors such as sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, conservation, engineering, transport and logistics, education and affordable & accessible basic services including housing, healthcare and education. Click on each industry to read more.
Providing solutions for the global IT and services industry